Thursday, November 11, 2010

My Brother is a Veteran

We don't have a very military family. When Brother decided to join the Marines a couple of years after college, we were all in a state of shock because we knew that a trip to Iraq was imminent. Parents were very proud, I was very worried, and Brother was happy to be serving his country.

He did go to Iraq. Twice. I don't know much about what he did when he was there, but I do know that with the incredible danger he was in everyday on the front lines, he carried an enormous amount of weight with him in the 115 degree desert, he helped to build infrastructure to help the Iraqis, and he witnessed many terrible things happening to his comrades.

Every day it was my prayer that he would be okay, that he wouldn't be scarred for life--mentally or physically--with the terrors of war. He made it home and he's okay.

Thanks for coming back to us.


Liz Mays said...

What a blessing that he and you are part of the lucky ones!

ballast photography said...

Scary stuff. I'd be worried about all those things, too. I am so glad he's back safe and sound :)

injaynesworld said...

I'm very happy to hear that your brother made it home. Please tell him thank you for his service.

Marvin said...

I love happy endings, especially with our brave servicemen and -women. They do so much, and get so little recognition in return.

M L Jassy said...

What a relieg Brother returned safely. It's a shame there is no inland sea in Iraq for the marines to patrol.

Erica@PLRH said...

Thank you Brother!

Semper Fi.

Mr. Charleston said...

Is this a redirect web page Gropie? I like the look. Oh, I'm a veteran too. The only action I saw was the GI bars of Germany. But that was plenty of action, let me tell you.

Mixed Reflections said...

Sure is, Mr. C. I had to escape from some folks.