This kicks off an entire month of blogging every day: NaBloPoMo. It's my first year of participating. (Check out Uncommon Blonde & Pines Lakes Redhead too!) I'm hoping things don't degenerate from here as I'm forced to reflect on the daily minutia. But what better way to start than with a few Halloween memories, including my musings from trick-or-treating days and last night's mannerless kids.
Husband and I stayed in last night to pass out candy and watch scary movies. Once again I arrive at the same realization: I cannot watch horror flicks without lingering visualizations of blood and gore. I just can't do it. (So thank you, The Haunting in Connecticut and Halloween. I will have nightmares for the rest of the year.)
Our young visitors fit the trending generalization we hear of with today's kids wanting something for nothing. They don't even say "trick-or-treat" anymore, for God's sake. That's all you're supposed to do to get a freaking handout. What's that all about?
According to my mother on the other coast, she was told by several kids and (a mom who was collecting for a kid who couldn't muster the strength to get out of the car) that they "didn't like that kind." Shut UP. They didn't. Really.
I remember being extremely satisfied with any Halloween house visit as long as it didn't include a piece of fruit, a mini toothbrush, a quarter or those skanky Mary Janes. Admittedly, I was never a fan of candy corn either. But of course I never DREAMED of turning something down or not saying thank you!
After filtering through D-Man's 2,877 pound pillowcase full of candy last night, it hit me how totally ungrateful our culture is over here. I feel like my elders when I pull out the "starving kids in Africa" lines, but seriously. How disgusting is it that kids complain about not getting the type of CANDY they want from a complete stranger? Do they realize all we have to be grateful for?
I swear the next month of daily posts will be more upbeat, positive and not so rant-like. Thanks for letting me get my Halloween party pooper out.
That's EXACTLY why I stopped handing out candy years ago.
At least you trick or treaters. None ventured down my street so determined tricks were in order. Luckily, my stash of flaming bags of poo was ample and properly diminished by the end of the hallowed eve.
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