Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Gropius Meets Sidewalk

It's been nearly a year since the Big Spill.

And this morning, an even greater near-tragedy transpired on a 5:45 a.m. walk with sweet, loving, adorable, once-homeless-and-living-on-the-streets Flanders, who apparently had to suddently stop and pee for the 321st time.  As one could imagine, I tripped over her. Majorly tripped. As in I busted my ass.

It's not like my life flashed in front of me or anything, but during the long and fumbling trip to the sidewalk, I did see things in slow motion like a horrible reinactment from a murder documentary. The impact left both knees severly skinned. I'll spare you the pictures, but it will suffice to say that I almost made someone in the office puke today when I revealed them.

After sitting there for a moment and collecting myself (during which time Flanders accomplished her desired urinary mission), I got up to walk the mile home. A block from the house, I realized my keys were still on the sidewalk...way back there. Fun.  Banging on the door several times eventually yielded a sleepy husband who let me inside and who promptly went back to bed.

Nice start to a new day. But I'm not complaining.


f8hasit said...

Alas, I've had one of those days.
Perhaps even two.

Hope the knees are better AND you found your keys.

Anonymous said...

Love your new blog prettiness, Gropy! As the co-worker who almost lost last night's digested dinner (hadn't yet had breakfast) looking at your knees, I sure hope they are feeling better! You will really be smarting tomorrow. Skinned knees to go with your freckles. Be careful with those booboos, my love!

Erica@PLRH said...

I totally blame the sidewalk in this instance. It clearly jumped up and bit you.

But in the future, you might want to consider wearing knee pads and maybe even elbow pads on your walks.

I hope your day improves!

ballast photography said...

Ah ha! The back story behind your One Line Wednesday :) Sorry i am just piecing it together on Friday--I've been behind all week LOL Thanks for joining in!