Friday, November 20, 2009

Girls & Beauty: Let's Teach Them the Truth

Maybe you never saw this. Or maybe you did but it's been a few years.

After taking a tour at Girls, Inc. on Wednesday, I see the need to keep educating our girls on the necessity of being strong, smart and bold. It seems as essential as vitamins and minerals. 

It's amazing that a girl can grow up empowered by her inner beauty with all of the messages she continues to see in advertisements, on television, in magazines and from her peers. 

As a step-parent of an energetic teenage boy, I'm ever aware of his perceptions of female beauty, hoping he will one day choose a mate who is attractive to him because of her unique perspective on the world, not her botox or her breasts. 

Let's keep strong as a united front, loving all of our female friends, of all heights, all weights, shapes, hair colors, pimply and flawless skin.  I love what Girls Inc is doing across the country. Let's all be mini-messengers.


Anonymous said...

Beautifully said! I love that entire Dove campaign and their videos are gorgeous. thanks for sharing!

Erica@PLRH said...


I personally love the Dove commercial with the freckled-faced girl. I wish I had a dollar for ever time someone told me that freckles were ugly. Good thing I always listened to my mother who told me they were angel kisses. I still smile every time I look at my son's freckled nose.