Saturday, October 31, 2009

I'm Here!

Yes, I'm alive. And it's not that I haven't had things to share on Gropius, it's that the things I've had to share are...ah, shall we say, the type of things that can get me into deep doo doo. Things certain individuals might be able to guess like...
  1. Is Gropius talking about ______ [this person/situation]? Yes, I am.
  2. Wow, is it possible that Gropius is thinking about taking _____ [drastic action]?
  3. Is Gropius considering not giving Halloween candy out this year? Okay yes. I was. I'm just not in the mood. (But of course I folded and invested the mandatory $40 in candy and special treats for the kids I like on our street.)

And yes, things have been rather busy at work. I haven't been doing this:

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