Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Does ANNOYING music affect your concentration?

This year for the famously annoying task of completing a science project, D-Man is asking the question "Does music affect concentration?"  He's having a series of people--including me and husband of course--see how many words we can find in a word search as we listen for 5 minutes each to classical music, rap and finally no music.

I completed the experiment yesterday and found that music actually helped my concentration, but people, let's examine the choices. The rap was the Beastie Boys and the classical was Debussy--both of which are more than humane choices. I like them.
I totally think the experiment should be changed to "Does annoying music affect your concentration?" We would then be asked to complete word searches while listening to:
  • The song that begins with "Heard it from a friend, who heard it from a friii-iiieeeeeend who, heard it from another you've been messing around..." 
  • Most of the 11 songs played in a heinous endless loop by ClearChannel stations last year--last month--last week--today--and into infinity.
  • Hall & Oats "Private Eyes"  (see below)
  • At the risk of offending many, anything by Whitney Houston in the last 10 years, most Journey songs, and most of those (new, not classic) pesky Disney movie songs. I don't know many, but the ones I do know are more than annoying.
  • Hotel California. I mean it's a great song, and the Eagles--such talent. But really, it's had its day in court. It's over. I can't take it any more!!!!
Anything else to add to that list of annoying music to add to the experiment?  Young D-Man has a lot of work to do.

Check out this post on Popten: Top Ten Catchiest, Most Annoying Songs (That Burrow Into Your Brains and Make You Want to Die.)


Erica@PLRH said...

Bob Dylan released a Christmas album. As Mr. A observed, his voice sounds like a broken coffe grinder.

bernthis said...

I need total silence. I just can't think straight. Maybe classical I could deal with but that's it