Wednesday, June 24, 2009

How far would you go for something you believe in?

Sometimes I get too caught up in the minutia of daily happenings to remember that I'm here for a reason. Just like you and every other person on this earth. Are we doing something that moves us? Is there some injustice you feel strongly about? Are you sitting on your arse festering about it when it's brought to your attention on the nightly news? And forget about it the rest of the time?

I get it, that's enough questions for tonight, Gropius.

But really, think about it. How far would you go for something you believe in? I think it's easy to give that question a lot of lip service and let potential barriers and skepticism prevent personal action. When you feel outraged or inspired, do you only go far enough to say, "that's so sad" or "that's terrible" or "I wish I was doing that" and then move on to the next distraction?

I need to reevaluate and consider this in a new, more serious way. Time's a wastin'. I'm not getting any younger. And I need to get into high gear and be a little more choosy about where I spend my energy.


Erica@PLRH said...

You go girl!

I know my main purpose on this planet is to raise two young men to become product members of society. They are my legacy and I know the ripple effect will continue with them.

But many times I feel the same as you in which I feel like I should be doing something more. I strongly believe that every child should live in a safe home and never go to bed hungry.

I would like to suggest a pow wow, idea exchange, retreat, or something. Game?

Erica@PLRH said...

That's suppose to be "productive" members of society.