Thursday, June 18, 2009

The 3 "Anti" Facebook Reasons

Just when I had almost declared this evening non-blogworthy, I came across this. It's a response I just received from a friend who has been missing on Facebook for a while. "Gave up on Facebook?" was my question. Answer:

1. I never figured it out.
2. I think it’s adolescent in many ways.
3. I think it has great potential for identity theft and viruses…

Other than that, I LOVE IT…

It just seemed so mocking and sarcastic, I had to share it. Personally, it seems like the bad attitude all relates to his reason #1.


Erica@PLRH said...

I must admit that sometimes I find FB a little too in my face. Especially the "friends" of mine that are stay-at-home-moms and are on FB ALL DAY LONG. When they post their Bejewelled high scores I want to ask, "What do you do all day?"

Mixed Reflections said...

Totally true, PLRH! By the way, that quilt was BEAUTIFUL.

Anonymous said...

Jerome does not tweet and will never use facebook