I really am a lucky girl. Husband does more than his share of meal prep, helps with dishes & cleaning and will sometimes start the washing machine. Now, if I can just stop the boys from tracking the entire yard in after I've vacuumed.
The challenging part is our individual timelines. When I'm ready to clean, he claims I'm on a rampage or a cleaning stampede of sorts. But why screw around with it? Get it done...help or get out of the way. Right? And HOW LONG should one wait until the house is literally worth of a reality show?
Still, the "domestically disabled" shirt I bought on our honeymoon laid the proper groundwork. He's pretty damn cooperative and a good housework partner. What's it like in your humble abode?
I'm very lucky in that my Sweetie will cook and do laundry whenever needed. Actually, his cooking skills really improved while my back was recovering!
I'm unusually lucky, I guess...I have a partner who really does more than his share of shopping, cooking, erranding and laundry. The male standards on cleaning and straightening leave a lot to be desired, however. But I realize that you can either bitch about it and lose the help, or let go and embrace the fact that it's one less thing for you to accomplish. Tough for an established control freak like moi! rl
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