Since my last Gropius post, I took a short trip to Miami (with stories that could fill a thousand blogs), have been trying to get my act together for the big day on Thursday and have been racing to finish work obligations.
I've been meaning to share the story of the Mariachi singers who were relieving themselves at a common rest stop off of I-75...and a hilarious picture of a Charlie Brown poinsetta in my office that has been reduced to two leaves and three sticks due to water neglect.
But I couldn't delay in sharing the Ultimate Gift for Lazy People: The Snuggie. Ever want to curl up in front of the idiot box on a cool night but those bothersome blankets don't stay in place and prevent your arms from moving about freely? Ever want to dress up like Obi-Wan in the comfort of your own home? Be a monk-with-the-most for your immediate family?
Folks, if you answered "yes" to any of these questions, I do believe The Snuggie is for you. Don't take my word for it, check out this hysterical commercial. I'm begging husband for it and hoping the makers of The Snuggie will come up with a cool pack version to wrap myself up in on those sweltering nights that fill most of our calendar days here in sunny Florida. If there's a gift left to shop for on your list, I highly recommend a home made gift card indicating your pledge to purchase The Snuggie.
I've wanted to blog about this too! My husband's comment was "why don't you just put on your bathrobe backwards?" Makes sense to me.
Yeee hooo! I beat Uncommon Blonde to coverage of The Snuggie! My husband found your husband's bathrobe comment quite funny. We're trying it tonight.
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