Saturday, December 13, 2008

Scary Stamps for the Holidays

Maybe it's just me, but I've always found nutcrakers a little...unappealing...shall we say. We took our annual Christmas post office treck this morning to purchase stamps for holiday mass mailing. And let me tell you, this year's collection was a little frightening.

I brought the young man along to pick out his fave stamps, and we ended up bringing home the scariest nutcrackers I've ever seen. They look like Bavarian killers, bearing some serious teeth, enabled to take some names and rip off your limbs. Just look at them. Do they give you that warm, compassionate "home for the holidays" feeling? I think not.

A fair compromise was buying only one set of nutcrackers and going with the sweet Mother & Child and Celebration holiday stamps for the other sets. I saved the nutcrackers for my husband's side of the family.


Anonymous said...

Jerome once snapped at a toy that looked nicer than the nutcracker stamps...

Anonymous said...

susie, glad to see you are as whacked as ever. For some reason, I have always been afraid "an office job" would stifle you. (i am not sure why i had this fear. Maybe losing a like minded insanity buddy?) Not to be...insanity, i see always wins out. thank god!

love your "creative" writing! :)) bon