Friday, December 19, 2008

The Dream

Today while driving down Fruitville, I looked over to the sidewalk and saw a woman who appeared to be limping and then walking almost in slow motion. As I took more time to stare, I noticed that she had regained a normal pattern of movement and seemed to be walking just fine. It jolted me to thoughts of a recurring dream that I've been having for years--one which rarely surfaces in the waking hours.

I'm usually walking down the street, or find myself in some sort of situation where reaching a destination is important. I start out just fine but then become quite unable to move one or both of my legs forward without incredible effort. Even then, it's very difficult and I find myself paralyzed in place. The dream residue afterward is always that something degenerative has happened to me physically to cause this paralyzing effect--it's not some external force.

So what in the big green world is going on? Am I feeling stuck or trapped in life? Or is this foreshadowing some grave immobilizing illness? Give me your interpretations and tell me about your recurring dreams. Preferably, I'd love to hear something a heck of a lot funnier than this.


Anonymous said...

How many times have you heard that you shouldn't be looking at people on the sidewalk when you are driving.

Anonymous said...

I have this dream that someone rear ends me when i'm at a light.she's been to busy watching people on the side of foad