Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Really, Facebook? REALLY?

Since I've been on Facebook, I've used it a bit to put the word out when there's a new posting on Gropius. This evening, after I posted the last post (completely harmless, I might add), it flagged this innocent little blog as "malicious." I'm guessing because it had the word "gay."

I will repeat the SNL skit by saying, "Really, Facebook? REALLY?"

If you read the blog (or if you know me), you know that I really have ZERO bias for or against anyone and ZERO tolerance for those who discriminate. The post was a musing on someone's silly quirk...having no real connection to anything objectionable about "gay."

Facebook, let's get serious here. Are you a tool to promote social networking, or are you a social networking Nazi? I think I know the answer...and Gropius may be banned from Facebook forever with that last dig. But it's worth it.


Anonymous said...

As we noted earlier today, there's a "1984" ish quality to this Big Brother-style interference with our social marketing freedom of speech! When you read the dreck and exploitation that poses for legitimate content on the Web, it sure makes you wonder why they'd flag a perfectly reasonable blog posting. Live free or die, Gropius vs. Eddie! What would the governor of Alaska say? rl

Uncommon Blonde said...

Facebook has gotten a little crazy anyway. I think it's approaching the MySpace burn-out point and everyone is going to move on to the next big thing. Twitter? I hope not, I keep forgetting to silence my phone and the tweets keep me up all night ...