Husband's newly planted Fall garden is coming up. And although it took a hell of a lot of horse poop and soil, it's organic as all get out and the fruits of his labor are coming to life. Today I took my first bite of lettuce on my FBLT (fake bacon, lettuce & tomato sandwich). It was green, good and I knew there was no trace of pesticide on it.
At a time when so few folks even know where their food comes from, I'm proud of his little plot of food-producing dirt. (Although it's funny when you see a few bean plants coming up. What the hell are we going to do with 3 beans?)
Husband tells me that we could be the only people in America eating soon, because our economy is on the brink of collapse and no one knows anything about how to actually grow food anymore. If Publix ceases to exist one day, come on over to the backyard garden. Husband may fight you off with a shovel, but I'll lobby for a carrot or two for you...if they come up this year. (Sorry, photo was taken during last year's garden. And by the way, he asked me to tell you, and I quote: "Those carrots were supposed to be small.")
must be doin' something right - lettuce in FL?
ps - what kind of dawg is that?
hooray for my vegeteranian, crop growing, locavore friends out in the wilds of Bradentucky! you will carry us out of this recession into the light of prosperity with the bounty of your soil. so inspiring! love ya! rl
That's my boy. For someone who would'nt cut the grass without being in deep poop now has vegs in his back yard. Keep up the good work and happy gardening
love mom
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