But next time I go to B&BW, I'm going to be a little more careful about sniffing before I buy. You see, the Cucumber Melon foaming anti-bacterial waterless hand sanitizer has gone too far. For months I've been trying to stay the course and use up the small bottle I have in my car, but that time has ended. And there's still product left in the bottle.
Every time I squirt it out after touching a gas pump, change from a drive-through or a Kleenex, it nearly knocks me out. I've had multiple riders who are repelled almost to the point of nausea at its overwhelming odor. And if I use even a dime-sized amount, rest assured I will reek of it for the rest of the day, even after multiple scalding hand washings (yes, with actual soap and water).
Frankly, if someone was coming at me I wouldn't need pepper spray. One small squirt of the Cucumber Melon would render them helpless. So beware, all would-be attackers and smelly shoppers: this product needs to get pulled from the market.
I have this same product in a different scent and I love it - it must be all about choosing the right flavor. Thanks for the shout-out, I'm just getting caught up after my blog-cation.
You are too funny! I just went to a self-defense demo class and the instructor warned us never to have mace on hand...a)it's likely to be used against YOU by your attacker and b)you can't say to said attacker, "Hey wait just a second while I grab the can of mace out of the bottom of my purse!" However, she didn't know about your pungent product did she? An all natural cleanser that immobilizes the enemy while rendering him sweet and fresh sounds like a plan to me! RL
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