Sunday, January 16, 2011

Updates: Biking, Apps, ADHD and Agitation

I hate it when bloggers are away for a while and they spend post upon post informing readers of why they have been absent. So I'll try not to do that.

I've missed reading your goings on and plan to get back to it soon.

I've been feeling stressed lately--that unpinpointable tinge of anxious space in the brain that causes tension and general discomfort. I have an idea what could be causing it but I need to step back into Gropius space. The agitation is most likely stemming from disturbances related to situations encompassing prolonged uncertainty. Is that sufficiently vague?

We all occupy a place in which little is certain but we have varying degrees of feeling in control. When that tilts to feeling out of control, anxiety can rear up like Beaucephalus. I realize it's all a continuum. And it's all a matter of perception. The truth is, we're largely at the mercy of circumstance and grace all of the time.

Aside from that, D-Man has endured an extended period of being grounded due to continued inappropriate antics. Therefore, he is physically and emotionally clinging to every bit of personal space we have at home. We enjoy bonding time, but constant ADHD in every crevice of one's life can inflame traces of unrest and take my level of (already) diminishing calm to new drought levels.

In brighter more materialistic news, I finally caved in and purchased an iPhone. I love it and am trying to explore all elements of its functionality before becoming addicted to it. Naturally, my favorite aspect is the Audubon of Florida birding application, allowing me to peruse color photos, vocalizations, ranges and descriptions of Florida birds while on the go. It even allows me to photograph and catalog my own pictures of each species, right where they belong.

We did bikes for Christmas this year. My new two wheeled explorations of the always lovely Robinson Preserve have been fantastic. And while I've been thrilled to see so many people there, I'm longing to reclaim quiet mornings there where I can enjoy it without having to run into what seems like hundreds of others---with dogs, kids, strollers and on bikes, roller blades, etc.

I continue to be overwhelmed with gratitude in the midst of so much suffering in the local and world wide spectrum. To have a meaningful job, to have a family, good health, sweet Flanders in senior stride, dependable friends....all of these things are incredible blessings. And they make my stress seem silly.

I'm hoping your year is off to a good start and I'm looking forward to catching up on your posts.


injaynesworld said...

I understand what you mean about the stress that comes with uncertainty. I keep telling myself that uncertainty is actually the reality and any semblance of certainty is just a cosmic joke. Surprisingly, that doesn't help. ;)

So, like you, I concentrate on the blessings at hand.

nursemyra said...

Best wishes for the coming year darlin'

Mr. Charleston said...

I have visited the Robinson Preserve on several occasions. An oasis in your part of the world. Those places always bring me peace and relief, if only temporary, for the stress of uncertainty.

Mr. Charleston said...

Oh, btw, don't know if you've ever been out to Solomon's Castle to the west of you but, if not, it's worth the trip. I posted some time ago on it

You might enjoy it.

Marvin said...

A-HA!! I KNEW there was a reason for your scarcity. The infernal iPhone. ;-) Everyone I know who has an iPhone has gradually withdrawn from society, entrapped in a web of apps which promise more interaction while actually restricting it. Interesting.

I hope your new year is off to a great start! Better than D-man's, anyway. ;-)

Liz Mays said...

I wonder if I could even handle an iphone. I'm very, very slow to upgrade technologically. I always hate the re-learning.

The world as of late sure does get you appreciating the blessings, doesn't it?

M L Jassy said...

Here is a virtual bowl of meat-free Thai noodle salad drenched in lime juice and chilli, always a sure remedy for stressed times. Take care, Groplettes Mixy, and take all the time you need. In a funny cylical whatsit, I actually feel anxious when I haven't blogged in few days. Yet we need to let ourselves off the hook and also chill with the wheels - happy cycling, woman!

Audubon Ron said...

Okay, now why are you complaining again? It can't be perfect-perfect, you'll explode. Then there will be Mixed Reflections all over the wall and have much fun is that?

Anonymous said...

Uncertainty is the worst enemy of serenity. I'm sorry this sword of Damocles is hanging over you. It might help to get a notebook and write down a short list of relatively good happenings from each day. I say "relatively" because even a bad event might have a positive side- the fact that it wasn't worse. Some days this might be all one can dredge up, but it's still a positive thought.

Put some significant time in on it each night before bed. This has always helped me focus on the pluses while being distracted from the stressful thoughts of the bad stuff.

Good luck!


Erica@PLRH said...

Hang in there and i hope you get your bearings back quickly.

I'm considering the iPhone too but will wait until Verizon has them.