Thursday, January 27, 2011

10 Things That Make Me Feel the Sun Shining

So last week I shared a few things that make me want to hide in a dark corner. Since I'm not, afterall, a girl who likes to dwell on the bad stuff, here's a list of a few things that renew my sense of contentment. I'm hoping we have some things in common, and even more so, you'll share your list with me. 
  1. Plop me in the natural environment anywhere, anytime, and I'm happy. Pine flatwoods, oak hammocks, salt marshes, freshwater marshes, lakes, rivers, streams, mountains, beaches, oceans--I'm there. There's an order to all of them and I take refuge in their purity.
  2. Surprising friends and family with cards and small gifts. I've always enjoyed popping a card in the mail or buying a small, unexpected gift for someone in my life. I need to do it more frequently.
  3. Planning travel--day trips to places I've never visited in Florida, weekend trips with girlfriends, or fantasy travel with the fam I may not ever take. The power to plan and explore gives me renewed energy when the minutia of circumstances are draining my spirit.
  4. Mexican food. I wish it wasn't so, but give me a margarita, some fabulous chips and salsa, and a veggie burrito, and I'm in sheer bliss. Add a bit of queso dip, and it's like a mini vacation. If only the calories were equivalent to a bed of lettuce...
  5. Painting the walls. Yes, I've now painted our office three times in the last 6 months. I know it seems a bit obsessive, but I can't seem to get it just right...and something about having that roller with a fresh coat of color is sooo exciting. It's a physical activity too. Good exercise.
  6. Watching Flanders curled in her ball of brown sweetness, asleep and content.
  7. And along those lines, the sound of Husband breathing when he's sleeping soundly.
  8. The sweet songs of two birds in particular just make me feel alive, like everything is okay in the world: the cardinal outside my window in the morning; and the Chuck Will's Widow I used to hear in the evening when I lived with my parents.
  9. I can't lie. Hoarding candles and health/beauty supplies does something for me. Don't ask.
  10. Creating. Whether it's a painting, a photograph, writing, designing, a newsletter for work--I love to create.


Marvin said...

You and my darling wife, always painting, painting, painting the walls. It makes me glad I can't tell what color it is. Whatever makes her happy.

injaynesworld said...

Such wonderful activities -- all of them. I love the sound of red-tail hawks crying out to each other and the sight of their bright orange tails circling in the sun above me. I love the warm smell of Dixie, my Chihuahua, when she first wakes up and crawls out from under the covers.
And chocolate! Lots of chocolate! ;)

Erica@PLRH said...

The Mexican restaurant on LWR Main Street has been sold and will re-open tonight. I hear they actually have a chef from Mexico. Want to check it out next weekend?

Oh, I love hoardin stationery.

Julia, the Thanksgiving Girl said...

Oh do I love this list!!! Even if not all of the things you mention work equally as good for me, it's always great to read what make others happier - puts a smile on my face while I read and gives good ideas, and sometime spoints to teh areas I need to work on (meaning learn to get more joy from) :)

Painted your office three times in the last 6 months though... Interesting :)

M L Jassy said...

Now THIS is the real bucket list. I will eventually come up with my own and blog about it. Hoarding candles is something to be proud of, espcially during those pesky winter blackouts.

Audubon Ron said...

It's all good.

KB said...

I can relate to all those items- - - well I don't have a husband sleeping next to me. Wonderful list.

Based on our household, women hoard candles and unique coffee mugs and men hoard pens and used shipping cartons that might be useful for storing stuff in the workshop, basement, or garage.

nursemyra said...

I miss #7

SuziCate said...

LOVE LOVE LOVE this list!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I love your 10 things! And I'm so happy to have your blog address again!! The hoarding candles made me smile, as did everything else. *sigh* I look forward to the song of the Carolina wrens. So glad to hear from you. my url is but it's a creative blog now, not writing so much these days. Very happy to be in touch again :) take care & big hug to Flanders from my furry friends here.