Friday, December 17, 2010

Mr. Charleston Called It: The Arboretum is Magic

Driving an hour or so outside of Phoenix, up near the little community of Superior, you will come upon a place full of color, texture and magic.

The Boyce Thompson Arboretum is a peaceful 300+ acre garden with native Sonoran Desert species, cactus varieties from Australia and South America, and unexpected forested pathways leading around orange boulders and toward dead-ends you're happy to discover.  

There are lots of well planned gardens and places of beauty, but some of them call to you in a way other places do not. It's the kind of connection you can't really explain. Here's a bit of what I enjoyed at the Arboretum:


Liz Mays said...

No wonder you love it so. Exquisite, just exquisite.

Mr. Charleston said...

Glad you could make it Gropie. It is indeed a marvelous place. Someday soon I'll post some of my photos from there.

Marvin said...

Wow, that's beautiful! What lovely cactus blooms! And is that a pomegranate? I never knew where they grew.

Merry Christmas!!!

nursemyra said...

Lovely photos, especially the carpet of leaves

M L Jassy said...

Beautiful images and I too love the pomegranite. Phonecian and ancient Jewish symbol of fertility. Good for vitamin C too.

Erica@PLRH said...

As always, such beautiful photos. the abundance of color is wonderful.

SuziCate said...

Are those lovely goldren trees cottonwood? I loved how they shimmered in the sunlight when I was out West.