I'm out in Arizona for a few days, visiting with my long lost friend the Coaching Goddess who left me back in the spring for a new land. It's so good to see her. The little town of Carefree, just up the road from Scottsdale (just up the road from Phoenix) is lovely.
The big sky surrounded by a silhouette of mountains lends itself well to sunsets.
Wow, wow, WOW!! How gorgeous!! You're clearly having a fabulous and a 'carefree' time! (pun intended)
P.S. Seriously, a town called Carefree? Or did I just get it al wrong??
Born and raised in Phoenix and I've lived in a dozen other places, including Florida. There's no place like the Valley of the Sun (or its quaint environs) for sunsets. And a little glass of vino.
Feeling far more carefree after viewing those gorgeous sunsets. Happy trails!
Beautiful pictures, reminding me that great sunsets are where you find them. Like the stars at night, they connect us to something much bigger than ourselves. Hope you've had a wonderful time.
I sure do miss desert cacti. We have them too, but they're just not as majestic.
I'm glad you get to get away for a bit!
Amazing color! Fabulous!
Have a wonderful visit! :)
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