Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Big Surprise: Thanks for Listening, Honda

Thanks to all those who commiserated with my pain over a $1,000 bill at Honda recently.

I answered a standard follow up e-mail from the Honda service department about my dissatisfaction paying so much for a bizarre replacement--the now famous rear upper control arm.

Wish I had time to create a logo for the rear upper control arm...I'm picturing something that looks like a behind with an Rosie the Riveter arm coming out of it.

Anyway, I'd be a bad girl if I didn't share with you a big surprise today. I received an e-mail back from the maintenance manager who took the time to investigate and try to remedy the situation. Because of her efforts, Honda is able to get me a refund for the replacement. Are you KIDDING? Wow, someone who follows up and gets somewhere with it. Can't say how much I appreciate that. Although it's not really a third of the total bill, I can handle this. I'm grateful she took the time and I wanted to set the record straight on Gropius.

Sadly, excellent customer service is often a surprise. Even so, cheers to them! Other big surpises today:
  1. D-Man is suspended for a fight again. Same situation--some kid hit the crap out of him in the school hallway and he fought back. To be continued...
  2. I'm winning the lottery tonight. I just feel it.


Leah said...

That's good news about Honda, too bad about D-Man and yes think positive, the power of creative visualization... you will win the lottery. xoxo

Menopausal New Mom said...

So happy that there are still a couple of people who know what good service is and you found one of them. As for D-Man, oh boy, so hard to be a mom when this is going on. Good luck with it.

Marvin said...

Amazing that Honda is giving you some money back! Good for you!

Hooray for D-Man. He needs to fight back and make them sorry they ever touched him. The other kid better have gotten suspended also. If not, raise holy hell.

Poindexter said...

This is totally incredible. Kudos to the service manager and Honda too. I will definitely remember this.

And I'm sorry about you son's struggle, it's probably a stressful time for him. Don't you just sometimes wish you could wiggle your nose like in Bewitched and the person you're looking at would disappear? That could maybe help out in this case.

Fingers crossed for you in the lottery tonight xoxo

ballast photography said...

I LOVE good customer service stories! Both of the last 2 good examples of customer service I witnessed were at the Apple store, both times my daughter needed her i-pod replaced. In March, she's had as many i-pods as there had been months in the year. The staff cheerfully replaced the one with the frozen screen and the one with the frozen and cracked screen.

Props to you for recognizing the Honda rep--we need a PR campaign for good service.

Sorry about D-Man :(

Anonymous said...

When you win the lottery, please remember me!

AiringMyLaundry said...

That is great about Honda. I have a Honda and love it.

And if you win the lottery, can I borrow a million?

nursemyra said...

Good luck with that lottery darlin'

M L Jassy said...

Hey Gropi, too bad about D-man's misadventures but the Honda situation sounds positive indeed. Wishing you well from the dusty south west. If and when you win that lottery, come on down for a visit!

M L Jassy said...

Hey Gropi, too bad about D-man's misadventures but the Honda situation sounds positive indeed. Wishing you well from the dusty south west. If and when you win that lottery, come on down for a visit!

Erica@PLRH said...

Yea for Honda! Bummer to hear about D-Man getting in another tangle. Let me know when you win the lottery. I might hit you up for the cash to go to a spa for the weekend. ;)

Maureen@IslandRoar said...

Isn't it sad that we get surprised by good service??
Oh, I'm with you on the frustration with the D-Man thing. I've rarely been impressed with how schools handle this stuff. Good luck and keep us posted.

Anonymous said...

I wanna win the lottery, too...oh, yeah I have to play to win! I hope things work out for your son...maybe that kid will get the message and leave him a alone. That's awesome about the service...I love when you find GOOD people who care about providing service.

Unknown said...

Oh wow... the good the bad and the Winners Sweepstakes!!!

It *is* sad that good customer service is so often a surprise to us. I am sure glad you got it though... you deserve it of course!

Sorry to hear about D-man but not sorry that he sticks up for himself!

Best wishes on the lottery. I gotta good feeling... :o)

Julia, the Thanksgiving Girl said...

Wow, that's great news!!! Go Honda! :) Congrats! And best of luck with the lottery :)

bernthis said...

it's amazing what good customer service can do for a company. It's why I don't have an Iphone, hello AT&T