Tuesday, April 20, 2010

A Big, Man-Eating Turkey

A big, silver man-eating turkey.

So a while back, Krista at Picture Imperfect tagged me. The tag required me to take the tenth photo from the first album on my computer and explain the story behind it.

At an art festival in Lakewood Ranch, I took this photo of a woman circling around the gigantic turkey sculpture, looking at it with a questioning air that seemed to follow my thoughts exactly, "What the Sam hell would you do with something like this in your house or office?" 

Clearly, the artist is very talented.  I just can't figure out if this is meant for a family that reserves a separate room of the house for each holiday, and this is the Thanksgiving tribute...or...? Yeah. Not sure.

If I were the birdie in the lower left corner, I would feel slightly--um--short-changed. It got the crap end of the stick no doubt.

Thanks for your tag, Krista. Love your photos!


Liz Mays said...

Yeah, I guess that one on the left does look a bit weak. The turkey is HUGE!

Leah said...

Love this pic... and what's with all the BIG post lately? hahaha! xoxo

Marvin said...

I wonder how many useful things could have been made from the metal that went into that turkey. ;-)

KB said...

The picture tells the story perfectly. If Life magazine was still around they'd probably want this picture.

Erica@PLRH said...

I remember seeing the big silverware turkey at that art show. We were there at the same time before we ever met!

ballast photography said...

That is an interesting challenge! All I can offer here is that, as a member of a family that avidly celebrates Thanksgiving with an uncommon gusto--I don't think we'd ever consider adding this exquisitely rendered guy to our decor.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, my hubby bought this turkey picture (actually was goregeous but not exactly soemthing I want to decorate my home with!) from the Wild Turkey Federation. It was a limited series and very expensive. I was forced to place it in my living room for like ten years (an eternity) until one of the kids threw something and cracked (no, I didn't pay them to do it) the glass...So, now it's packed away (YAY!) awaiting the "proper" time to send it away for glass replacement.

nursemyra said...

I prefer the little birdie