Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Do Birds Leave Their Keys in Co-Workers' Cars Too?

It's been another 10-weeks-in-one sort of week so far. I feel like I don't even know what my name is. Yesterday I took an hour away from the office to do some shopping since I spent half of Saturday at work. I left my keys in my co-worker's car and remembered this tiny little fact after she had departed for the day. Smart,Gropius. Real smart.

Tomorrow I have a 2 hour presentation that I've been looking forward to, but I haven't had the projected time to prepare, so I have my marching orders tonight. I shall dine on a PowerPoint dessert with a cherry on top.

So I totally stole this video from a post on Rambling the Natural World with Ken Brennen, but I had to share it. If you're a nature buff, or even if you hate birds, you'll get enjoyment from it.

Ken has changed my understanding of scientists. Some of them have a damn good sense of humor. And it's usually that dry, understated kind that makes me laugh but always keeps me wondering,"Wait...was that a joke?"

Check his blog out if you like the outdoors and a big bite of contemplative rambling with a purpose.


Erica@PLRH said...

I've always wondered what the inside of a bird house looked like!

Btw, if your co-worker was driving, why did you have your keys?

Mixed Reflections said...

Yes, that's a good point. I'm hardwired to carry keys when I leave the office. 1. A habit and 2. I have a nifty new police grade pepper spray I can't leave home without. Watch out!

Anonymous said...

Love the video. Good luck on your prsentation!

bernthis said...

love the koo koo clock or rather "yoohoo" clock is more like it

nursemyra said...

cute video. and my birds' house doesn't look anything like that one :-(

Marvin said...

You need one of those spiral-wire wristbands for your keys. ;-)

That's a hilarious ad. I think I'll glue MY tv remote to the countertop so I can never lose it in the sofa.

I just noticed that your header features a cloud of crabs. You could use the logo, "Got crabs?" Perhaps that could be misconstrued, though.

Julia, the Thanksgiving Girl said...

Poor thing, sound slike you need some rest and a vacation. Me too, so I feel you on this one :) Best of luck with the project! You know you can do it.

Poindexter said...

oh, how sweet! funny and adorable all at the same time. hope your presentation goes well today. thanks for sending your friend by. As soon as I can figure out how to locate her, I will visit her blog too. (technology stumbling block). what I didn't say in my hawk blog post was that I was struggling with a question regarding my ex-husband. He is a reader (aka stalker) of my blog but doesn't realize that I am aware of this fact. The struggle made me physically ill on Monday night, but after soul searching, I came to a peaceful decision on Tuesday. And I have to believe that all those hawk sightings somehow encouraged me to really look inside to find the right answer. On Monday night I stopped to buy fuel on the way home from work and a large hawk flew right overhead as I was standing there. It was startling....

take care!

Anonymous said...

I love this video! No clutter...maybe I need to move in a birdhouse. Hope your presentation is great!

KB said...

Thanks for the plug for Rambling the Natural World with KB.

Sometimes I'm almost embarrassed to say I'm a scientist these days as you'll see when you ready this disturbing GM food-related article.

KB said...

Thanks for the plug for Rambling the Natural World with KB.

Sometimes I'm almost embarrassed to say I'm a scientist these days as you'll see when you read this disturbing GM food-related article.

Leah said...

Good luck on the presentation. I want to live in a birdhouse. Hahaha!

M L Jassy said...

'Not to put too fine a point on it, say I'm the only bee in your bonnet, make a little birdhouse in your soul' ... pretty sure the band behind that lyric is They Might Be Giants. What a great little ad. Entertaining.