Monday, December 28, 2009

Some People Never Learn...

That would be me. I haven't shared on Gropius in more than a few days because my dear, sweet, loving, wonderful PC has once again been infected with a skanky virus. It's in the PC doctor's office now and I hope to get it back soon so that I can share a few funnies with you from over the Christmas break.  Some priceless moments include a photo of Husband holding up the less-than-appealing Tofurkey he prepared for me on Christmas, some texting tales from D-Man's new life as a 13 year old cell phone owner, etc.

Hoping you all have had many holiday delights!  You deserve the treasure of relaxation and joy this time of year and throughout the coming months.

Let me repeat: those who are responsible for computer viruses are destined to be fleas on roaches' backsides in future life times.

One day I will learn and get a Mac. Hope to see you tomorrow with a healthy computer.


Anonymous said...

Viruses suck, and the people who get joy in spreading them suck even more! Hope your pc is better soon!

Leah said...

I learned my lessons and got me a Mac. Now my life is stress-free. Hahaha!

KB said...

I've had my share of them but since installing some security software and learning a few precautions I haven't had a problem. If you're not getting a Mac real soon, at least install SpyBot and do regular on line checkups with Windows Live One Care (it's free and it's good).

But as I said the other day I still think I'm Mac-ward bound because viruses aren't the only hassles with PCs.

Good luck with the fix.

Anonymous said...

Good luck with your computer!! Technical issues are never fun!

M L Jassy said...

Hope your virals get blases in the same way my germs did. I'm still not so sure about Mac (sexy as they are) and my Kapersky anti-virus software is doing its duty so far since a month ago. Wishing you and it best of health!

nursemyra said...

I didn't know cockroaches had fleas!


Julia, the Thanksgiving Girl said...

Quick recovery to your compy! Although I wouldn't say it's all becaus eit's a PC... I'm not a Mac person (yet), and my PC works just fine... maybe because my bro makes sure all teh latest anti-virus stuff is installed? I dunno :S

Poindexter said...

hope it gets well soon. All that technology stuff is rather scary, best left (imho) to the professionals. I'm assuming that they're professionals and not the teenaged kids of the computer service team...or would that actually be better? Don't know anymore.

Erica@PLRH said...

I'd still like to know what you do to get these skanky viruses. You must be a magnet.

Brian Weiner said...

Having changed my entire business to Mac's in 2007, and with only Mac's in our home, I have NEVER had any virus issues...or system issues...since I changed over. Considering the volume of internet activity my staff generates, that is nothing short of amazing. This morning, reading the Drudge Report, one of their links pointed to a virus infected website. The Mac warned me at PC would have allowed me to commit technology suicide. I bought a refurb for my wife from Apple last month...saved $500 and it is guaranteed just like any other new Mac. Great way to get in cheaply. My three daughters were costing me a fortune to have viruses removed before the switch.

Marvin said...

I have Norton Internet Security Suite, and I never have a problem. He said, crossing his tentacles.

What kind of naughty sites ARE you visiting, anyway, that you pick up such diseases! ;-)