Thursday, December 3, 2009

Today was like a three legged dog.

As I shoved my tired buns into the driver's seat this evening to go home, noticing the windshield resembling a bird shite bombing range, all was right with the world. The one name wonder "Toby," an IT guy with ReadyTalk who came to my rescue yesterday while doing a trial run of a webinar, still lingered in my brain with gratitude. I didn't accomplish all that I needed to today, but did accomplish far more than I thought I could, given the plethora of tasks.

Here's the living metaphor for my day: a 3 legged dog I discovered on Facebook.

Gropius (on Facebook):  ????? is this your new dog?

Gropius' cousin's wife:   I hope so. He is someone else's dog but hangs out at our house a lot.

Alrighty then. If you have three legs, just one shot shy of perfection, this is as good as it gets. And it's damn good.


nursemyra said...

I've got a one winged parrot

Marvin said...

Dogs mostly lie around anyway... three legs work just as well for that.

Mitzi G Burger said...

Probably the fiend who stole my wallet took the dog's fourth leg. Bloody cleptos.

bernthis said...

omG what a sweetheart.

Julia, the Thanksgiving Girl said...

Ouch, poor doggy, but looks like it's loved, so I guess it's all good

Katherine said...

He looks very comfortable.

Thanks for stopping by.

Erica@PLRH said...

He looks so sweet and probably has a great disposition.

g said...

Great Blog Gropius and that is one sweet looking three legged dog. Nothing cuter than a particularly vulnerable looking dog.