Monday, December 14, 2009

My Brother's Dysfunctional Dog Raids Kitchen Can

Poor Kaley. She's been pissed since my bro's move to Del Rio and even more so since the baby has been born. No longer the sole recipient of love and affection in the family, this mixed breed wonder has taken to different forms of entertainment and attention-seeking. Wanting to see exactly how much time elapses before the garbage dump occurs after they walk out the door, a secret camera was set up. Kaley's been punked!


Liz Mays said...

That was practically immediate!

Leah said...

That was fast...and she got bored fast too. I guess she looked for another for of entertainment elsewhere. Could it be the bathroom trash can this time? Hahaha!

My dog is so like Kaley. Her major source of entertainment now is unwrapping the gifts under the tree. Grrrrrrr... that's why every morning I have to wrap them all up again.

Mixed Reflections said...

Very funny, Leah! My dog LOVES to unwrap gifts. She goes wild over it. And with Kaley, the part of the video you couldn't see involved her moving on to the bathroom trash cans after she raided the one in the kitchen.

Erica@PLRH said...

That is too funny!

Marvin said...

That's unfortunate. I hope they can modify her behavior without getting rid of her.

Anonymous said...

Hey, How come I just get a blank square where everyone else is seeing pictures of a dog? Is this some nefarious plot by W because he didn't like my comment about him. A pox on you, W.

Or does it mean everyone else is hallucinating something into the blank frame and I'm the only sane one here.

Notary sojac forever.

Smokey Stover

Smokey Stover

bernthis said...

I once knew a dog that opened a fridge door, yes, really and pulled out an entire pizza and then ate it

nursemyra said...

Do they leave the tv on for the dog too?

Anonymous said...

Didn't take long! Pets are part of the family and don't like to be left out. My cats used to react badly to be left alone, but my dogs haven't been as bad.

Poindexter said...

She doesn't waste much time - this is a goal oriented dog. Go Kaley! My dogs will pick apart the trash too, so I move the wastebins under the sink, much to their dismay.

Julia, the Thanksgiving Girl said...

LOL at Kaley's being punked!