Thursday, December 10, 2009

Contradictions, Dumb Deals and Vomitaciousness

Today I received an e-mail from CVS with this subject line: Receive a $5 off $30 coupon for taking our Medicare Part D quiz. Now, does this mean that if I take the quiz I'll receive a $25 coupon? Not sure. But it's almost as savvy as the "take 10% off" sign by rediculously priced sweaters for sale in Florida stores. I had a vomitacious reaction when I realized that down here, sweaters, thick socks and knit hats all hit the shelves the second it hits 75 degrees.

Now, for all of you English teachers out there (yes, Mitzi, I'm referring to you), "vomitacious" is not technically a word, but you can find it in various urban dictionaries. I believe it's my new favorite non-word, and at the rate we're going, it will one day make its way to Webster's. (Someone informed me that because "irregardless" was so overly misused, it was added to the dictionary. Now THAT is vomitacious.)

So back to a few other vomitacious things today, changing the subject from clothes to life in general, I'm a little perturbed at pettiness. I'm noticing a pattern where people get far too consumed with panties in wads over tiny things while they don't take control of larger issues in their life and work. I'm not saying that I am immune to this; hell, I'm open to having it pointed out to me in my own ramblings if you feel up to it.

Bascially, I just want to know we're all doing our fair share to open up confrontations when and where they're necessary and just deal with the rest. Otherwise, we're wasting energy that's much better used on pleasantness and happy things. Are you with me on this?

Now to completely contradict this proclamation and wish, I will share that the vomitaciousness on the road has been quite scary. Today I was almost nailed head on by someone going 987 miles per hour. The person in front of me decided to stop suddenly. As I tried to go around him (after patiently waiting a few moments), he decided to reverse hastily and back into a driveway, leaving me hanging out in the other lane. And at this point, speeding driver in opposite direction had absolutely no angel callings to slow down. Pissant. Moments later, another sweet crazy person did a 3 point turn in the middle of a 4 way stop...but couldn't wait until I had passed. She actually made the 3 point turn, stopped herself at the stop sign and then went before me.

Now, aren't you glad you've listened to my petty, hypocritical vomitacious rantings? Please, share at least one vomitacious thing from your week before you leave.


Liz Mays said...

If we didn't put nonsense out there every day, whatever would we blog about? ;)

Marvin said...

I think it's spelled "vomiticious." ;-)

Nothing horrible happened here this week. Everything is frozen solid here in MinneSOta. Nothing can move. Nothing can annoy me, then.

kathryn said...

Today I discovered that there is no "good" time of day to hit the United States Post Office during the month of December.

And I deserve a special line 'cause I WASN'T there for Christmas stamps, Christmas package-mailings, or anything Christmas-related.

Yes, I was ANNOYED.

Anonymous said...

This is such a wonderfully uplifting blog. It makes life better by putting the truly bothersome things in perspective via comparison. It takes a great sense of humor to do what you do.

Notary sojac = Keep it up

(until I use my awesomely frightening power over language to change the meaning)

Smokey Stover

bernthis said...

that isn't petty my dear. That just sucks you encountered so many idiots at one time.

nursemyra said...

I don't even want to think about vomit - it usually heralds the onset of a gastro outbreak which means we'll all be working our asses off...

Mixed Reflections said...

Kathryn, reader BW will love your comment on the Post Office. He, too, finds it vomitacious. And Nurse Myra, I began my day with a huge laugh thanks to your insightful comment about puke in the hospital. :)

Mixed Reflections said...

P.S. The funniest thing about this post (and hopefully there are other things remotely funny to you about it): I almost posted this to a very serious blog I write for a local nature-related nonprofit. Apparently, I was already signed in under those credentials. I caught it just before I hit "publish."

Anonymous said...

vomitaciousness...hmmmm, I think I need to steal that word!

Poindexter said...

Wow, I had vowed to try to give up complaining about petty annoyances. But it is tempting to indulge! I am, truth be told, pretty darned annoyed at my boss at the moment for giving me a couple of really big, vague assignments and then changing her mind about what she wants after I've started to do the work and not telling me....I could go on. But it's just too (dare I say it?) vomitacious!

Erica@PLRH said...

Personally I prefer the word "vomitrotious" but it may be a different part of speech. I'm not really sure.