Sunday, September 20, 2009

The Wish List

Husband had neatly laid out his kayaking gear to dry. Milliseconds (I'm sure) before the last bead of moisture was hoisted into the air by the burning sun, the lightening struck and a mini-monsoon began. After just 15 minutes of rain, our street is a river, our yard looks like the Everglades during rainy season, and somewhere off in the oak tree a Mockingbird dares to sing.

With all of the beautiful images we have at arm's length in the ever changing environment of our microcosm in Florida, travel--even just the ongoing idea of it--is one of my favorite money sinks and visualizations to keep motivated. This afternoon, I decided we need a wish list. It's not fashioned in the deeply rooted bucket list style, partitioning out everything we want to accomplish to be whole and satisfied individuals. No. This time, we're in need of a little dreamin'. I'm not ashamed of the unlofty nature of it.
In addition to some specific destinations on the list (Ireland, Costa Rica, and what the hell--another visit to Australia would be nice), I'm adding all of the "things" we talk about on a regular basis that aren't immediately accessible, like aaah, a new kitchen. Husband likes to mentally travel through food preparation, a past time which I don't share and most likely never will. (Getting water to boil is about the extend of my culinary talents.) But it's his thing. I support it fully.

So to be ultra anal about it, I divided the list into "big" things for the next 5 years and smaller ones, those that are attainable in the pretty short term if we set our priorities straight. Already, I'm loving it. When you're clear about what you want instead of randomly announcing it over and over again in an unfocused cloud of half-intention, it'll happen, right?

So Gropius readers, what's on your wish list? Thanks, National Geographic. I did usurp your Ireland photo.


Erica@PLRH said...

The next five years? Realistically? Getting two kids into college

As far as vacations go, hubby and I want to do the British Isles... especially Ireland. No snakes!

Anonymous said...

Pipe dreams?
India and the Orient including Japan
Australia/New Zealand
Return to Vienna, London and Paris

A Crystal or similar quality cruise

Blue Highways road trip across country

Being hired as a travel writer anywhere in the world.

Closer to home?
Still haven't made it to Key West!

And as for the house's dream list:
new carpeting
a new kitchen
new bathrooms
an enclosed porch with a/c
big screen tv
a real dining room.

Brian Weiner said...

I want to retire.
I want to spend more time on Cape Cod.
I want three months to finish the book I've been writing for the better part of twenty years.
I want April in Sorrento, Italy ever year 'til I die.
I want to one day visit Israel, because I promised my grandmother that i would.
I want to be cold again when the sun sets in late September.
...however, I'll sleep this off and be back at work again tomorrow morning at 7:15...oh well...