Remember that scene from the Breakfast Club, where Bender continued to commit himself to extra Saturdays in detention, all because he kept adding the last word? If you need a little refreshing, you'll find it in the last few moments of the clip below (skip ahead to the 3:30 point, or while you're looking, enjoy the entire piece for great memories of these poor incarcerated rebels).
Why am I sharing? The scene played itself out once again in our house this morning. It's so easy to get worked up, isn't it? Sometimes you just want to win the tween-parent argument.
Me: "Please just do what your father said. And please don't cop an attitude, or you'll be grounded. I'm tired of the attitude."
Tweenager: "But! This is STUPID. I don't want to do it."
Me: "Okay, so you're grounded this afternoon."
Tweenager: "Lkjoiuaseroncoisueroijsen!" (or a similar crazy mumbling)
Me: "So now you'll be grounded tomorrow afternoon too."
Tweenager: "I didn't DO ANYTHING. Ghhhaaaaad."
Me: "Om. Do you want to add on another day?"
Sounds very similar to my childhood.
It must have been the red hair.
Give it some time and I bet we see a blog reminding us of another classic "Ferris Bueller"
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