Saturday, July 11, 2009

Lipstick Death Toll

It's been a while since I left lipstick in a pocket of dryer-bound shorts. Must be all that relaxation from no child this week.

Anywho, there were several unremarkable casualties, including a 7 year old skirt that matched everything but wasn't so flattering and some random socks and an ugly shirt belonging to husband.

The more devastating losses include a favorite pair of pants, a new dress, two staples of my summer wardrobe, and some work attire (previously) belonging to husband that will be tough to replace. This announcement will be a fun addendum to the "Happy Birthday" afternoon I originally planned for him when he returns from Miami tomorrow.

About 7 years ago, shortly after husband landed his current job, I destroyed all of his uniformed shirts with my favorite red/brown shade by Estee Lauder. Secretly, I mourned the lipstick destruction nearly as much as I lamented over his clothes. He had a great boss who I still picture with a friendly laugh on the receiving end of the "My wife accidentally killed my monogrammed shirts" call.

Like I said, I'm domestically disabled. I have never pretended to be otherwise.

1 comment:

bernthis said...

very frustrating. I feel the same way about my cooking, my ironing, my get the point.