That's right folks, the wife beater tank top festival has officially begun at the Gropius household. Every year, husband hosts a 6 hour July 4 "event." Neighbors and others basically move in to our front yard, bearing food, a tent to protect the food from summer insects, plastic chairs, and things that shall remained unnamed...not because they're illegal, but because I try not to notice too much.
The night ends with a truly dramatic display of fireworks that husband has amassed throughout the year and carefully assembled for professional execution. We just pray that fingers and eyes remain intact...and that the neighbors who do not care for the noise, smoke and screaming can restrain themselves from calling the police.
Please. Don't feel bad if you didn't get an invite. I try to hide this from all of my friends, as the entire thing is a little "not my taste," shall we say. If I could stop being such a snob for a minute, I would say that some of the nicest people around are here. And the fireworks are awesome.
In closing, my "no wife beater tank top" proclamation is a no go once again this year. And a co-worker is coming, so I will be outed about this for sure. Be sure to tune in tomorrow for a pictorial story of the damage. And have a happy & safe July 4!
YeeHaw....Wife Beaters Unite....Beer and Explosives
that better be wife beater TANK TOPS unite, anonymous poster.
Best of luck! I look forward to the pics.
Being a wife beater tank top festival virgin, I must say I was bedazzled by all the pyrotechnics and professionalism of it all. The bridge fireworks had nothin on ya'll. The neighbors were neighborly and the food was of the solid comfort type...all great. My favorite part was being accepted by Flanders as one of the gang. Hope to get an invite next year!
wow, sounds like so much fun. Neighbors be damned. It's one night a year darn it. yahoo!!!
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