Sunday, September 12, 2010

The Hiatus and Scattered Reports from In Between

One of my least favorite words of all time is "hiatus." It's right up there with "hyena." 

I've taken the longest writing hiatus on Gropius since I started the blog but I'm checking in to report a few scattered happenings since we've talked last. My mind, work, and everything-in-between-and-overlapping have been too tied up in details to put anything reasonable on the old scrolling digital journal. And most of those things I felt that I would regret writing about later.

So here's a tiny sampling on the reportable mini-happenings from the last post:

Why "Hello there, Bono!"  Thank you very much to the gal at work who Photoshopped us together when the latest professional staff photos came in. Some people got a wrinkle or two removed; I got Bono. I'm really happy about the choice. Husband has been a great sport about it, since I obviously printed this and put it up on the fridge.

This is sweet Ingrid with her husband Stig. You may remember from previous posts that we lost her over a year ago to blood cancer. She was an amazing and inspirational soul for nearly everyone who met her--whether it was for an afternoon or a decade. I miss her daily. I've put a team together to walk in her honor on October 16.  The Light the Night Walks take place all over the country to raise money for the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society. Many thanks to Pines Lake Redhead & all the others who gave money to support the cause. You rock, and I appreciate you so much. If you'd like to contribute to the cause, you can check out our team and donate here.

Thank goodness for the angels who walk here on Earth. My sweet Flanders is 12, and we woke up one morning to find her stumbling about. Every few steps her legs just seemed to give out. Her eyes were darting back and forth wildly like she was speed reading.  Our normal vet couldn't see her that day.  I was panicked.

A vet practicing an hour from our house (who donates every ounce of time outside of her practice to local animal rescue groups) took my call on her cell and came in on her day off to see Flanders. I am so grateful. Turns out Flanders had "old dog" vestibular disease, making her dizzy. That, along with arthritis, put her in bad shape. She's doing much better now, and I have her under the care of someone who looks at her as a member of my family, not just a furry object who lives in my house.

This is not your brain on drugs. This is my brain (not on drugs). Thoreau was not kidding when he said our lives were frittered away by detail. There are so many things I'm trying to mentally keep track of, I've been a bit scrambled lately. Okay, totally scrambled. Completely and totally freaking scrambled. I'm working on that since life doesn't usually change in it's pace, but the way you handle it can.

To all the regular Gropius visitors, thanks for hanging out with me. I'll be catching up with you this week during my down time in my trip to Charlotte. If you're new, thanks for reading and I hope you'll come back.


Erica@PLRH said...

I'm having a hard time deciding which photo is my fav. :) When life is a little less scrambled we'll get together and do something fun. Bono can come along too if he brings The Edge!

Julia, the Thanksgiving Girl said...

Hey Gropey, what's wrong with words that start with "H"? lol :p

I was wondering how you were doing - your 'hiatus' felt like quite a long one indeed. Good to see you posting!

Poor Flanders - this sounds quite bad but I am glad she's doing better now and hope it won't cause too much trouble or pain in the future.

I also agree about changing how we handle things part - hope you get to figure out the things you need to figure out asap! Have a good trip!

SuziCate said...

My head/ brain often feels like those scrambled eggs. Bono is priviledged to have been photoshopped in a picture with lovely you! So glad Flanders is doing ok. Yes, our furry friends ARE members of the family. Happy to have you back.

KB said...

I'm sorry to hear about your Floundering and Flandering. You can deal with your own Floundering (not talking about your favorite sport, fishing) but poor sweet Flanders has to depend on you to know what she needs to feel better. As my mother often said "It's no fun getting old." Give her a hug and a kind word from me.

M L Jassy said...

Ohh, Jazzy sends a big miow and face-rub to Flanders. I am also wallowing in a bit of Bono-love, sigh. Take as many intermissions as required. Scrambled eggs, so delicious with fetta and spinach.

Thank YOU for the awesome chunky paperbacks!!! Neighbour 2 and I did our arvo jog to the post office. Joy.

Marvin said...

Lovely pix, except for the one with Bono in it. Luckily you're there to balance it out. ;-) Mmmmm - eggs make me hungry.

It's nice to remember friends who've passed on, isn't it! And nice to keep pets comfy and safe.

Poindexter said...

That photo of you and Bono is beyond adorable. But so is the one of Flanders.

Blog snippets are good. Served up alongside a portion of scrambled eggs. What could be better?

hope you have a great week

Anonymous said...

Glad to have you back, Gropy! Missed your meaningful musings. love you! rl

nursemyra said...

you look gorgeous in that photo - what beautiful skin!