Thursday, June 17, 2010

You're the Inspiration

I remember loving the (then) new Chicago song "You're the Inspiration." Awww, it was just so sweet, wasn't it?

A couple of weeks ago a local group asked me to be one of 10 speakers to do a 5 minute slide show featuring 10 things that inspire me, speaking for exactly 30 seconds about each. Of all the public speaking I've been doing, this one was the hardest to put together, precisely because it's about me, not about a subject. It's been hard for me to get into. I'd love to say that I picked the top inspirations. Most of them are. But then I started picking through them, replacing a few of the slides because I didn't think I could explain them in a way that would be interesting enough.

So what else would I do? Blog about them of course.

Our planet from space is one of the most profound and inspirational images I have ever--and will ever--see. First photographed about 40 years ago, it was the first time we could see in a clear, visual sense the magnitude of our beautiful earth. Carl Sagan's thoughts about it mirror mine exactly:  everyone who you've ever met, who you will ever meet, who has ever lived...lived on this sphere. 

I think of that, of how simple it is that all of humanity, along with all of the wildlife, diverse plant life, water and clouds are contained in this rock. How can we fight?  The "reasons" for war, destruction, selfishness and greed seem so meaningless, so hard to understand, when you look at our world from this inspiring perspective.


ballast photography said...

First of all, let me say that "You're the Inspiration" was a fave from my early teen years--loved that :)

And second--congrats on the public speaking gigs. I am quite impressed!

Stop on by for a visit when you can--I've missed you the past couple weeks!

Marvin said...

OMG, I just had that song stuck in my head today, THEN I read your post. It's a small world. Especially in .jpg format. ;-)

The way you feel about pictures of the earth, I feel about the moon. Isn't that strange! But yes, this little planet is so lovely, so unique. We're lucky to be here at all.

M L Jassy said...

I must say I don't know the song. That sounds like a really fun event to participate in, and that sure is one pretty globe.

M L Jassy said...

Meanwhile, I'm curious about the nine other inspirational sources ...

Mr. Charleston said...


Poindexter said...

thank you for these wonderful words of inspiration today, and that lovely image of Earth. I have a copy of the photograph too, hanging in my "astronaut" room. I was not familiar with that quote from Carl Sagan, but it is truly profound. I wish I could have heard your presentation - you have such a way of stringing together thoughts and ideas, I'm sure it must have been wonderful!

Liz Mays said...

You had such a wonderful way of putting that. How could anyone not get that message? Fabulous!

Julia, the Thanksgiving Girl said...

This is a very interesting concept and something that is definately not easy toc ome up with and present like that!!

Anonymous said...

I know that your brief talk was destined to be an inspiration to everyone in the audience. Wish I had been there! Can't wait to see the other 9 slides and your narration! rl