Monday, June 7, 2010

Basking in Weirdness with a Giant Pinch of Hot Creepy

Florida is full of beauty, surprises, transplants from faraway places, agriculture...and weird, weird roadside attractions and unexpected dives.

You can't call the Bubble Room a dive, but weird it is. And so chocked full of memorabelia this restaurant with the wobbly roof is, one wonders if the occassion to dust and clean ever comes around more than once in a very long time. Situated on a charming spot on Captiva Island, the Bubble Room is quite possibly the strangest place you'll ever grab a bite to eat. ...If you don't count the Linger Lodge here in Bradenton, which is bathed in a very odd assortment of badly taxidermied mammals and rattlesnakes spelling out words on the walls. I diverege from the subject at hand...

To me, there isn't much that can be creepier than monkeys, monkeys with instruments and oversized rabbits on the front porches of doll houses.

...except maybe clowns--clowns that look mean, like something out of that movie that ran on HBO for two centuries in the late '80's, Killer Clowns from Outerspace. Remember that jewel? Brother used to love it.

Then again, I can't say enough about statues of ravenous animals like a llama that belongs on Poltergeist--looking at you with a creepy stare as if it will soon come alive and attack with its bizarre pink and black lips...

...and a hippo head the wild Nile River has never seen the likes of--jaws thrown open 180 degrees.

Where the HELL did these things come from. And did Stephen King have a hand in their creation?

I can't forget the cage from a circus side show, inhabited here by a local writing Goddess and Gropius reader. 
Despite my apparent Bubble Room bashing, it's such a cool place to visit. The pop history you find within these walls nearly blinds you from too many detailed movie posters, action figures, faded postcards and worn stuffed animals, vintage stuff that could or could not be worth millions in Antique Roadshow.  You can't possibly imagine all of the oldie moldy collector's items, including a giant filthy Micky Mouse from the Macy's Day parade, looming over the tables; dolls with frozen cries on their faces; metal ferris wheels; Alice in Wonderland's real life tea party; a room filled with aquariums and nautical treasures; etc. etc. All of the tables have glass tops under which a myriad of Christmas treasures and random bits of creepiness are mixed together.
Now you simply cannot be in this part of the world without having a meal at the Bubble Room, or at least stopping for one of the 70 pound slices of cake.

A coconut cake slice one of the six friends took home stayed wrapped in the hotel room overnight, followed us through hot car rides around the island the next day and was finally eaten with a shared fork in the car just before we pulled off the highway home.  Ah, friends. Nice to have a bizarre place to share an adventure. Tomorrow I'll post photos of the gorgeous natural treasures of Sanibel/Captiva. They won't be nearly as creepy.


Liz Mays said...

I've never been to the Captiva side, but I've been to Sanibel many, many times!!! I adore it there!

That place has "fun house" written all over it. Super creepy! Except for the cake...that there is beauty.

Leah said...

This type of place will surely get the thumbs-up from my boys. They love the bizarre, the unexpected and the grotesque. Hahaha! Have a great day! xoxo

Anonymous said...

People who post photos of friends screaming like a demented banshee in a cage are no longer friends. I'm just sayin'.

Marvin said...

What a fun trip! Lovely pictures!

Thanks for reading my silly blog. ;-)

M L Jassy said...

Not sure if I'd like to be a captive on that island. I can take a little kistch now and then, but this would blow my sense of reality too far out of proportion to get back safely. All those garish colours and fibreglass animals. Yep, unsafe!

nursemyra said...

What is that red cake? I've never seen red cake before. Now I really really want red cake!

Mr. Charleston said...

I wanna go. Next time I'm in that neck of the woods I'm heading to Captiva. Pretty good drive from Bradenton however. May have to settle for the Linger Lodge.

Anonymous said...

I do think the clowns are creepier than the monkeys. Thanks for sharing the weirdness! Fun post!

Julia, the Thanksgiving Girl said...

Haha!! I love the colorfulness of all those places and pictures though!

What are YOU thankful for? Come share a story and win a little thankful something!

ballast photography said...

Oh, my...I'd NEVER be able to get my kids in that place. They aren't much for monkeys and they hate clowns. What a strange place, indeed!

"oldie moldy collector's items"--LOL!

Tootie said...

I wouldn't call it Bubble Room bashing. :) I have exactly the same opinion. That being said, we still take all of our visitors there before they leave, and always enjoy it.

Erica@PLRH said...

Reminds me a little bit of Chalet Suzanne!

KB said...

A place I could enjoy. It also looks like a good place to practice for a trip to the House on the Rock, the ultimate in bizarre.

Unknown said...

Hmmmm........Wonder what they were thinking when they decorated....Suzanne

Unknown said...

This place looks awesome! I laughed at every detail you explained to us; how fun! You described it really well, you made me want to go there now. :o)