Monday, March 8, 2010

Do Yourself A Favor And Visit GoFugYourself

Most of the time, I don't even know who these snarky girls are tearing down, but regardless, they're funny as hell. And after the Oscars, I afford myself the luxury of taking more than a cursury glance at their incredibly hilarious website, GoFugYourself.  Yes, one day it's my goal to launch a similar blog here in Sarasota/Bradenton to fug all of the outfits worn to our overfilled charity ball calendar. I will make no friends doing it, but it would be a riot.

I hate to admit it, but I could spend a LOT of time on this site. Here's my favorite fug from their overactive Oscar Fugging:

"I'd have been curious to see where that bodice was going. Unfortunately, on the way there, it got hijacked by an Amelia Earhart fetishist, and then left to die in a cheap science-fair volcano that erupts plastic leis."

(Photo and copy from GoFugYourself.)

Now is that damn good writing or what? That was sooo much better than I could have done. I thought the dress looked like the haphazard melting of a Snoopy Snowcone.

If you did happen to watch the Oscars last night, maybe you're like me: that is, you got incredibly depressed when they did the John Hughes commemoration, displaying very scary versions of Anthony Michael Hall, Molly Ringwald, Judd Nelson, Ally Sheedy and the rest of the clan on the stage. This accomplished two things: a.) Making me feel 10 days older than water and b.) Making me really glad I do not and never have abused drugs.

Did you have a favorite Oscar moment? Or do you hate them like Husband does?

Personally, I haven't seen half the films that were nominated but feel a secret pleasure that James Cameron didn't win. Honestly, I had enough of his giant ego-head when the Titanic was around. That ship has sailed.


bernthis said...

WhebBigelow won it was as if all the women in the world won

Unknown said...

Hi Gropius! I was *just* about to email you and ask if you had received your print yet! I'm so excited that you got it! Thank you again for the support. :o)

I never watch the Oscars. I can't sit still for that long. lol

Gina said...

man, i hated that dress, too. i loved it when steve martin and baldwin were in snuggies! we dvr'd it so we could speed through the commercials and boring acceptance speeches we didn't care about. :)

Poindexter said...

I was frankly confused by the female Kanye West impersonator. Wha? Made me nervous the rest of the program for microphone hijackers.

My personal philosophy, as far as the red-carpet photos go, any publicity is good publicity. Goes double for Hollywood. This may explain the outlandish dresses. If you take the safe route and you're not a big glam movie star, NO publicity.

injaynesworld said...

I'm still bummed that Meryl Streep didn't win. And bitter -- yes, I'm bitter, too.

And will someone please put Miley Cyrus in an age-appropriate dress and tell her to stand up straight!

Other than that, I'm still trying to sober up.

Anonymous said...

The Red Carpet is always entertaining and the Oscars is one of my favorite nights of the year. I really enjoyed the show.

Anonymous said...

I can't say I have any interest in the Oscars because I usually don't watch any movies less than 25 years old. (Which make me feel I'm 25 years younger and have an extra 25 years to live.) But watching the news tonight I was thrilled to see that the competent lady with "cheapo" effort beat out her ex with the billion dollar effort. Nice to know that once in a while it's quality and not money that earns the recognition.

In about 25 years I'll be comparing those movies and seeing if I think the Academy got it right. Of course it will be too late to complain.

I can't comment on your reference to that great piece of writing because I don't know what language it's in. You obviously are from there. I wonder if it's from that world without males that Margaret Atwood wrote about. Anyway good luck with that new blog concept.

Notary Sojac

Smokey Stover

Julia, the Thanksgiving Girl said...

I didn't watch it because live translation started at 5:20 here... Cruel eh? Damn time difference! I did see some of the red carpet shots and I agree some dresses are just wtf, including the one you posted. The bottom part doenst even go with the bustier!!

Leah said...

I love the Oscar brilliant... they took the words from my mouth. And I love your snoopy snowcone comment. Hahaha!

Have a great day! xoxo

M L Jassy said...

Funny fugsters! TV-less, I rely on many sources for my pop cultural insights. I had popped into the local club for coffee with my friend and saw Oprah and the 'Precious' actor awarding each other praise etc...

Maureen@IslandRoar said...

I do love the Oscars, but that "Brat Pack" was scary....
But Yay for Bigelow!!

SuziCate said...

". I thought the dress looked like the haphazard melting of a Snoopy Snowcone." I like your description even better. You site will be a great success!

Erica@PLRH said...

Love movies, can't stand the Oscars.

The dress you highlighted was fugly and it reminded me of plastic leis too. Celebs take a chance no matter what they wear. It's either too daring or too matronly. They can't win! I guess that's why they get paid the big bucks!

nursemyra said...

I didn't watch them but I heard that Mo'Nique won best supporting actress - a well deserved win, she was amazing in that film!

Liz Mays said...

I hate that dress here! And since I had a mad crush on Judd Nelson for years, I am DYING to know what he looked like the other night! Positively dying!

Fragrant Liar said...

Personally, I liked your comment better than GoFugYourself's.

My fave moment was when Bigelow won for all womankind, and when Sandra Bullock took the stage and stole the whole shebang in one acceptance speech.