Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Your mamma said so

I just learned today that a friend literally poked a hole in her eardrum with a Q-tip.

Aside from my obvious concern for her, I am deeply disturbed. For there is nothing Gropius enjoys more than a good 'ole Q-tipped ear. The warnings are clearly marked on the packaging, plus it's one of those things your mother always told you...not to do.

I'm afraid this could also mean that listening to too much very loud music at one time in my life could account for at least some of the ringing in my ears. And that reading too often in poor light because reading in dim light is just more calming may--just may--have something to do with my ongoing denial of an eye exam for some sort of spectacles. I'm too young for that!! 

The fact that I have now come down with the full blown crud being shared across offices, towns and states is no doubt a direct result of not doing the right self-care things. Yep. Mother called it a couple days ago.  My sinus cavities are clogged with virusly mucous, the type of cough you never want to hear from someone next to you interrupts otherwise calm moments, and I can't even taste the brownies I am foolishly continuing to eat.

One of these days, Gropius and all the other grown kiddies out there will learn to listen to their mammas. Meanwhile, will someone pass me that Q-tip?

A funny quote in closing...

“Let us rise up and be thankful, for if we didn't learn a lot today, at least we learned a little, and if we didn't learn a little, at least we didn't get sick, and if we got sick, at least we didn't die; so, let us all be thankful.”


Marvin said...

I hope you washed your hands before you typed this post. ;-) And I hope you feel better!

Leah said...

I remember my mom used to clean our ears when we were little. She didn't trust us to do the cleaning ourselves.

Erica@PLRH said...

Feel better Gropey!

Anonymous said...

Beware of the Q-Tip!! Beware!!

Poindexter said...

amen to that! Hope you are able to shake it off soon.

KB said...

My Mom used to hold our heads down on the bed and ram that Qtip in one ear and out the other, with verve and determination. And you think Qtips might have left you with a problem!

Rest and recover. If you can't Gropius us for a while we'll just sit staring sadly at our screens, missing you, and wishing you well until you get back with the next load of smiles. :)

Julia, the Thanksgiving Girl said...

Mom say useful things sometimes eh? ;) Fun quote too :)

M L Jassy said...

Maybe Jewish Mammas are anti ear-intrusion, but my ears have been my own domain. It must be hard to stay well during the winter months, so struggle on through nobly, Gropington! Or rather, Grobigtod.

nursemyra said...

It's a sad day when you can't taste brownies

Anonymous said...

I love me some Qtips, too. My son used to date a girl who didn't know what a Qtip was, had never heard of one, much less used one...he was totally grossed out by that little admission. Hope you're feeling better soon!

Unknown said...

Oh man... I love me some Qtip action too! I'm going to pretend I never heard that little tidbit.. mmkay? ;o)

Maureen@IslandRoar said...

My dad always says the only thing we should put in our ears is our elbows.
Don't you hate it when they're right?
Feel better!