Monday, February 22, 2010

The Good, the Bad and Perspective

Life is a real yin/yang, isn't it? Although that evil eye may always be lurking around every corner, the good prevails in most cases. I have to believe that.  It's been a mixed bag of stories and outcomes over the last day or two. Here's some of the good and the bad--I guess it's all a matter of perspective.

  • Moving Away...or New Possibilities?
    Bad: So it appears that my closest friend is moving. It's been a year, she's in her 50's, incredibly talented and well-educated, but she cannot find employment. Southwest Florida has arguably been hit the hardest with the recession, and jobs--good ones--just aren't coming back. I'm going to miss her terribly.

    Good: She has a sister in Arizona who can provide her with a nice place to live while she establishes herself in a new community. She has new adventures ahead of her, new people to meet, new lives to touch. I'll have a new vacation spot. And will be forced to find new friendships here to fill the void.

  • Abandoned Dog...Or New Pet?
    While traveling with our friends, D-Man saw a dog--completely abandoned-- tied to a fence on the side of the highway. Honestly, I just have ZERO tolerance for people who abuse or mistreat animals. NONE!!!

    Good: They picked up the pooch, brought it home and now have a new member of the family. We chipped in for the food, leash and collar. Hope he's there to stay.

  • Can't Sell the House...Or Modern Mother Theresa?
    Bad: Someone we used to work with at our organization called me this afternoon out of the blue. She's moving with her husband to Oregon but can't sell the house. What is she doing in meanwhile...?

    Good: This girl is on CraigsList all day picking people who need help finding things and using her connections to help them. Have you ever heard of something so nice? She's working on helping the mother of a 37 year old woman who was the victim of a hit-and-run. She's ready to come home--out of the rehab facility--but needs a hospital bed. She contacted me to see if I could help. Let's see if a few of my contacts can come through. 

I think this world is full of angels and full of people who are honestly just mixed up about their purpose. Sometimes it just takes a tiny bit of inspiration to steer the rest of us in the right direction.


Erica@PLRH said...

Gropey, you're an inspiration too. You always seem to find the silver lining. :)

Leah said...

I always believe in balance... yes, the yin and the yang. I really love this post... so inspiring. xoxo

ballast photography said...

I love this--the good and the bad, side by side. In art (because yes, as an art teacher, I do consider myself an artist--to give a belated answer to yesterday's question :))you must have both the highlights and the shadows to flesh out a realistic form. Reality has a light side and a dark side.

(And my closest friend moved away 18 months ago, and it sucks. It really sucks. Except for when I get to go visit her at her new place, which is wonderful)

Anonymous said...

That is very true! Inspiration can go a long way!

Marvin said...

For every door that closes, a window opens.

And outside that window, there's a ledge... ;-)

Julia, the Thanksgiving Girl said...

Good thought on inspiration. Sometimes it takes just one phrase and we're looking at something old with a whole new perspective. Sorry to hear about your freind movign away, but everything happens for a reason I believe. The best in it is that you have a great friend to miss when she's moved away - some people don't have such people on their life!

M L Jassy said...

Poor pooch for being abandoned, but what a fortunate result. I am the friend who moved away but the good part is it's for a year only. Seeing a loss as a gain is what keeps us Groping hopefully through the setbacks.

Dan the VespaMan said...

Spot on Gropius.

I was always told if your having a bad run, just wait a while.

Anonymous said...

Isn't it good to know that when bad things happen, there are wonderfully good people to pull us through?

Gina said...

so glad i found your blog - this post is inspiring and really makes you think. really love that you kept the pooch.

Unknown said...

What a fantastic post! It always helps to look at everything from a few different angles. :o)

karal said...

When my 3 best friends moved away within a year, it really forced me to take a look at who I was on my own, no other single women who weren't at the time dating to run to for pizza, wine and a video night! Eventually, I moved away too! The woman who helps people on Craigslist . . . I absolutely love that. Goes to show you there are always ways to be a light in someone else's life.