Saturday, February 20, 2010

Beware, Cowardly Bicycle Thief. Karma Will Find You.

Hi Bicycle Thief! It’s me, Gropius. I live two doors down from the site of your smooth transaction. Lifting two boys’ bikes from a fenced backyard before 10 pm, eh? That’s pretty ballsy. Congratulations on pulling it off.

Whatever you manage to get for those hot items, I’ll tell you, it’s nothing compared with the payoff waiting from a mutual friend we share, Karma. You see, she’s one thing that enables me to sleep soundly at night. Although I’d love to see you get hauled into the po’po’ and have your name slathered all over the paper as the heartless bastard stealing kids’ bikes, we both know the chances of that are pretty minimal. But the chances of getting what you deserve and then some, hmm, I’d put that at about 100%.

Karma might not visit you right away, but she will visit. She’ll show up on your own pestilent turf when you least expect it…maybe even after you’ve decided to try and get your life together, if that ever happens. And she can be a real bitch too.

Don’t forget, Karma doesn’t just provide a simple exchange for taking something that’s not yours. She includes the entire kit n’ caboodle—“interest” on extras like making a whole string of neighbors feel not so safe, wondering what kind of creeps are slithering around their streets. And having two decent kids have to figure out how to get around to harmless activities too many blocks away while you’re using money from their transportation to finance whatever contemptible activities you’re involved in. Damn, that was a mouthful!

Until the two of you shall meet, my pit bull has left a bunch of you know what our un-fenced backyard. You’re welcome to come and lift that. It’s waiting for you.


Maureen@IslandRoar said...

Aw, that so sucks.
But karma will prevail. At least, I believe it must...

Menopausal New Mom said...

Sorry to hear the kids bikes went missing. You are right, karma is a bitch when she comes a knocking, they had better watch out and yeah, that doggie pooh is a great little reminder in the meantime.

Leah said...

I believe in Karma too... and she will take care of that thief.

Have a great weekend! xoxo

hubby said...

If Karma doesn't work a bullet bwould be OK with me.

Mixed Reflections said...

YIKES. Gropius doesn't endorse guns or violence, Hubby.

Erica@PLRH said...

Karma should be enough... and maybe a present from Flanders.

nursemyra said...

I WISH I believed in karma but there's no scientific evidence and I didn't inherit the gene for spirituality or astrology or any of those associated things.

Bad things happen to good people. Bad people often lead lives on their own terms without any repercussions. Sad but true. I sincerely hope the bicycle thieves are caught or suffer some misfortune of their own but there's no such thing as a karmic guarantee

Gina said...

karma will kick their asses, don't worry.

Marvin said...

(1.) Buy a nice shiny bike at a garage sale.
(2.) Put it in your yard.
(3.) Run a 220v line to the frame.
(4.) Retrieve thief's body in the morning.

ballast photography said...

I'm with you, Gropius--no guns, no violence...not sure about karma, but wouldn't it just be awesome if some sort of renegade Neighborhood Watch coalition got together and made some new bikes miraculously appear for those kids (while keeping a sharp eye out for the bad guys, too--tall order, to be sure, but I love a good modern day superhero story!)

M L Jassy said...

Thieves should be made to watch Vittoria De Sica's film "The Bicycle Thief" on an endless loop - that's my kinda karma!

Awful about the bikes, Gropes. Back home I'm vigilant to the point of paranoia about my wheels, for good reason. Grrrr.

coolboy said...

beautiful post

Julia, the Thanksgiving Girl said...

Karma will definately visit, the lady remebers all! Too bad about the bicycles though, hope the kids are not too upset.

Regarding the breakfast thing I can tell you what... I haven't lost weight until I forced myself into eating a big nutritious breakfast every morning, even if in the beginning it was making me nauseous. I lost the weight I needed to lose and I've kept it off for like 3 years now.

Anonymous said...

You are so right. Karma is a bitch and I think he has her name tattooed on his back right now!:-) My only regret is that I'm not there to see her at work sometimes. Would that be too cool or what?

Anonymous said...

We went through this several years back....the teenage boys living in a rental house down the street kept stealing all of the bikes in the neighborhood.When My son's friend's bike was stolen, one of my female friends saw the boy with the bike and stopped him and pretended to be calling the police, the boy even loaded the bike into minivan for her as he wanted no police trouble. When my sons bike was lifted, I went to every house on that street looking for it and letting it be known that I knew who took it. Amazingly, within two hours it was found in another person's was tossed over the fence. Finally after enough complaints and several months of their nonpayment of rent, they were evicted! The sad part had been that it was a very expensive bike that my son had saved forever to purchase! At least he got it back...I hope your kids bikes are found in good condition.

KB said...

Too bad we have to have thieves to breach our sense of security. But I'm with Cynthia and Suzicate. Some practical action in the neighborhood might actually get the boys bikes returned or replaced.