It's terrible, just terrible, but the name "Swine Flu" inspires a bit of humor. Growing up, we used to call our yellow lab "The Filthy Swine" after he would take an unexpected dip in the pool and roll in the grass--wet and disgusting--with an air of delightful narcissistic satisfaction. Is that why I find it so funny? Not sure.
But really, world health officials, REALLY. Before you name the next pandemic, can you think a little more strategically? The planet will have to hear its name repeated billions of times over, and we need to think this thing out clearly.
Take hurricanes for example. Every year, scientists comb through the alphabet to choose designations for anything that hits over 39 mph, and they plan this "hot list" well in advance. Most of the names are boring, but they're prepared! I see we have an Odette for this year. Hmm.
Of course the Swine Flu was a big topic in this week's Spanish class at work. Senior informed the class of the correct pronunciation of the virus: "Gripe Porcina." Much classier than Swine Flu. I'm going to start using it.
Another thought: Gripe Porcina could have assumed the name of my first roommate in college, who was a rude and disgusting person. I have spared her name here. Who knows what those crazy bloggers can do to one's life online. Your Swine Flu thoughts?
It's better than "the Bacon Bug".
the Obama admin is into renaming - the "war on terrorism" to "overseas contingency operation" and "swine flu" to "H1N1", to make them less offensive...
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