Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Really, Sprint, 32 cents?

My satisfaction with Sprint for the past few years had been relatively high. When they did a major screw up on a new order, however, and all 5600 people I spoke with in the company gave me a different (unsatisfactory) way to resolve it, I lost enough faith to drop them. The first round kind of went like this:

Gropius: "So, I wanted a replacement phone and upgrade on my existing account. You added a second phone with a new phone number, and tacked on a new plan."

Sprint: "Yeah? You'll have to cancel the new account and call us back at a different number to order a package to send us the phone back. And 14 days after we receive it, we'll credit you for it. Then we'll order the exact same phone but assign it your old phone number. You might be billed for the time the new phone number was connected."

Gropius: "That's stupid. Isn't there some other way to resolve this?"

Skip down through another 10 conversations with multiple Sprint representatives, and it came to cancelling the account altogether. And although the cancellation process itself was pretty laborious, there wasn't a single occasion where they tried to woo me back into staying with them.

Nearly one month after I paid my final bill...good riddance, Sprint...I opened the mail box to find a cute little surprise: yet another bill in the amount of $0.32. Really Sprint, REALLY. YOU SPENT MORE MONEY ON POSTAGE THAN YOU'LL GET FROM ME.

Anyone have an idea for what I can put on the check memo?


floridawinediva said...

I would send them 32 1 cent stamps!

Unknown said...

During most of my two year contract with Sprint, my calls dropped wherever I was in the city.

Any call longer than 45 sec automatically got dropped.

The qualiity had improved by the end of the contract, but it was too late.

I switched to AT&T and got an IPhone. No problems until the last three days where my calls have started dropping.

My first thought was I could be doing this on Sprint for half the price.

But At&T has called me every day to see how I'm doing and if their technical tinkering has resolved the issue.

Sprint never did that.

I hope you will not send Sprint the 32 cents and see if you get a reminder. Then they will have spent 88 cents to remind you to pay 32 cents. Plus staff time. Plus staff meetings to discuss what to do about delinquent payments like yours.


Anonymous said...

Unfortunately, Gropy, they will undoubtedly harass you endlessly for the 32 cents and then keep adding penalties and charges and interest on it. When it reaches $32,000 they will report to the various credit bureaus that you are a deadbeat, whereupon you will find you can't refinance your mortgage, buy a new car or get a new credit card. Phone companies are pure evil. And they will, oh yes, they will, have the last laugh. I suggest you put 32 cents into a bag of Gary's most pungent doggy do, mush it around and then insert same into an envelope addressed to Sprint. with love! rl

Anonymous said...
