Frankly, I've never been the type to want others touching my face, painting my nails or screwing with my hair. And I can buy my own organic cucumbers to put on my crow's feet. According to an article in yesterday's Sarasota Herald-Trib, "These days, if a spa is not catering to the whole person -- encouraging wellness, stress reduction and mental clarity -- it is probably falling short." Oh really? That's a huge breakthrough! And a great added bonus for spa-goers in today's economically-challenged society.
Two short points:
- Maybe I should reconsider spa-going. I am a poster child these days for needy when it comes to wellness, stress reduction and mental clarity. I don't recall getting that phone call asking me to pose for some glossy spa slicks.
- The economy sucks. If you're still going for regular spa treatments, surely you aren't in a position to be that stressed...at least not compared to the rest of us.
The way I see it, I could have someone trained in manicures and massage tell me how to balance my life for an hour, or I could fill up with gas so that I can get to work this week. Or eat out a couple of times with the fam. This weekend, I think I'll stop by Home Depot, pick up some cheap landscaping stones, microwave them and ask the husband to line them up on my back.
I visited Aspen some years ago and stayed with a psychiatrist. Evidentally, he did have patients there. Yep. People who find stuff to work through emotionally but who don't happen to work, ski 4 times a week and live in the lap of luxury.
Tell me again...why do we have so many spas in Sarasota? And who is going there all the time? Get real!
We live in a city that exists in an alternate reality, there's just more money here than in other places. I love the spa and wish I could go regularly but I don't want someone treating my "whole self." Just a massage will do - I get creeped out when they start trying to mess with my "energy"
I freely admit that I absolutely adore a great massage...the more deluxe and sybaritic the better. Hold the holy water and New Age psycho babble though! You haven't lived until your masseuse has assaulted the knots in your tender soul with the query "Do you believe?" followed by "Do you read Scripture?" Spare me the conversion and bring on the hot stones! rl
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