Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Sarasota Fashion is Almost Here!!

Folks, I was really trying to hold out on this post until high season arrived. (I'm probably a little too early for regular season too, but what the hell.)

If you want a good time--a really good time--all you have to do is look at local columns and the various shiny covered magazines around. The fundraising season has almost arrived! And what better way to get engaged in some home town fun than to look at the outfits being flaunted by the socially elite of our town.

If you haven't read the hilarious GoFugYourself website, there's no time like the present. Gifted girl writers Heather and Jessica collect the best photos of celebs prancing around in their worst attire and prepare the most creative commentary you've ever seen. (Thank you RL for turning me on to this!) What sucks is that most of the time, I don't even know who the celebs are, but it still has the same appeal as laughing at the outfits in the local magazines. ("I don't know you from Adam, but I can guess that you probably did PAY for this attire you're wearing.")

Here's a great example of a posting from GoFugYourself, which actually is about a name I can recognize. It's the August 25 posting about Madonna. No really, you have to read it. One day I hope to be the writers you are, Jess & Heath. You don't mind if I call you that, do you?

So here's what I'm getting at. It's my brilliant idea for a fundraiser. And it doesn't even matter right now who would benefit. The idea is to have a FUGraiser, right here in Sarasota. We'd invite Jess & Heath to come in, fug the ugly outfits of our attendees and work with Marjorie to get them slathered in the paper. What do you think? I'm up for this. In fact, I'm ready to go. I can't decide what to wear, but I'm sure I can find some very appropriate clothes at a few local boutiques.

It's pretty fashionable to bring your pet to fundraisers too. Rams, can I borrow Gropius?


Anonymous said...

dear molting girl that I love...
you know i think your "fugraiser" is a marvelous idea...especially because you and i would have a blast as the "come and get your fug" commentators. we could be the fugtastic pundits of fashion porn, making fun of all the fugshionistas!!

Uncommon Blonde said...

You are going to LOVE the post I am about to write. A certain Sarasota girl went undercover last night at UnParty to photograph the fugliest fashions ...